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Projects | CIS Projects | Digital Lodgement

Digital Lodgement Priorities

"The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time".

In order to make the digital lodgement concept less daunting the development of the envisaged complete digital lodgement system has been broken down into a number of phases. Each of these development phases has been prioritised in order of their immediate feasibility and impact on the overall examination period.


  1. Numerics - (capture of co-ordinates, sides, directions, areas)
  2. Capture of info. on diagrams & General Plans (alpha, numerics)
  3. Remainder of survey record (fieldbook, comparison sketches, working plan, etc.)
  4. Fees (integrating electronic payment into digital lodgement)
  5. Parcel reservation
  6. Survey data requests
  7. Post approval requests (amendments, withdrawals, etc.)
  8. Consents / correspondence
  9. Post registration information (from Deeds Office)
  10. Boundary descriptions

By tackling the project in phases the testing and implementation of each component of the digital lodgement system becomes more easily manageable. The various phases will be integrated and the priorities re-assessed as the development of the digital lodgement system progresses.

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