Project Miracle
Project Definition
What is to be achieved?
The capture of the South African Urban Cadastral Database in digital format into a continuous geographic database for every province, and capture the enumerated census areas for those urban areas that have not yet been completed in Project Miracle.
- Negotiate with local authorities and other owners of digital data for the use of their data within the provided mandate
- Get external contractors to convert this data into UCD format after getting quotes for this work
- Check this digital data for accuracy, completeness and key (unique identifier) correctness
- Featurize this data
- Import the featurized data into the master database
- Put out tenders for the capture of data from general plans for areas where no digital data exists
- Scan and vectorise data for which there is no digital data available, and for which there are no general plans available
- Capture the enumerated census areas from maps
supplied by Statistics South Africa.
By When?
From April 1997 to end January 1998.
By Whom?
- Surveyor General personnel in office hours
- Surveyor General personnel working overtime in the week and on weekends
- Contractors working shifts in the week and on weekends
- External contractors converting data into the UCD drawing format
- External contractors capturing general plans
- Surveyor General personnel scanning and vectorising
other diagrams
Project Team

Project Volumes

Project Costs

Process Flow in each Surveyor General Office

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